Terms and Conditions of Art Class Italy Pty Ltd (ACI)
ACI has offered you either 30 or 60 hours of art classes (tuition) or more in a group setting the consideration for which is the payment of the price prescribed for that class as indicated in the artist’s page.
You have accepted the offer and agree to pay the consideration and you have read and understood and agreed to the terms outlined in this document.
The class will be held in a dedicated premises in a town and country to be determined by ACI and may be changed at short notice to another place in the same general locality.
ACI has retained the services of one or more competent artist/teachers to provide the tuition in a class setting and may at any time replace that artist/teacher should he/she become unavailable for any reason.
You are one person in a class that is provided with a studio space that is shared with other participants for the duration of the tuition. If, in at the discretion of the artist/ teacher, he/she forms the opinion that you have behaved in a manner that will affect the enjoyment and attention of fellow participants, you can be asked to leave the class by a Director or the Concierge of ACI in writing for a certain period and/ or permanently. In the event you fail to comply you may be forcibly removed from the premises, but only at the direction of a Director of ACI.
ACI reserves the right to use the two “interval days” to fulfil its obligation to you to provide 60 hours tuition. You agree to accept any “re-organised timetable” or forfeit any hours lost at no cost to ACI.
ACI will not be liable for any injury caused to you either in the studio, or in transit to or from the studio, or travelling and attending outdoors in the course of the art class, or any ancillary activity (.e.g. lunch stop, view stop, sunburn etc) and you indemnify ACI and its artist/teachers, subcontractors, employees and Directors from any liability connected in any way with the delivery of the art class or any optional activity to you.
You agree to take out travel insurance and take care to avoid injury when using the equipment and materials provided to you in the studio.
You agree to the following Refund policy.
- ACI will refund 95% of your fee up until 3 months before the class starts.
- ACI will refund 50% of the fee within 3 months of the class start date.
- Transferring a participant’s place to another person may be available, as long as the participant introduces the replacement person and advises ACI by email in advance.
- If you prefer a credit note, ACI will issue to you a credit note that is fully transferable, for a future art class provided the full amount is paid for the class not attended.
- ACI will retain the funds and apply them to any future class within 2 years from the date of reservation payment . Thereafter the funds will be forfeited.
- If the future class fee is less than the amount held in credit there will be no refund of the balance payable for attending the future class. If the future class is more than the credit held, the difference must be paid before your place will be confirmed.
- If the credit note is not used by you within 2 years the amount will be forfeited.
- Each Art Class has been priced on the basis of a minimum number of participants. In the event that fewer than the minimum number of participants have confirmed their booking 60 days from the date of commencement, ACI reserves the right to cancel the Art Class giving a full refund of all monies paid including deposits, or to offer arrangements to proceed with a later Class.
- MOST IMPORTANT: The Class will be given a “Status” that will indicate what you should do book a place. For example:
Class Open: This means you should pay your tuition fee to receive your discount for early booking and wait for us to send you an email to advise you the class is confirmed and will proceed.
Class Confirmed: Students who pay the tuition fee will be notified by email when the class numbers are enough for the class to proceed. Students will then then have 7 days to make all the necessary arrangements – booking flights, accommodation. Tip: Ensure you will have a valid passport for the whole time you are away.
Class Closed: means that we are not taking any further bookings for that class.
- You must agree you have read and understood these terms and conditions before payment will be accepted.
I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of my tuition by Art Class Italy artist teaching staff as set out in my booking form.