Mikey Freedom Class Details
Welcome, to the Mikey Freedom cutout art program! Over the course of 5 days, we will cover the fundamentals of design, while drawing inspiration from Italian life & architecture. By the end of the program, our goal is for each student to create their own cutout master-piece. You may produce an artwork, scarf or a poster from your efforts or learn how to commercialise your skills for interior designs!
Art Materials: A4 paper, Large cartridge paper, acrylic paint, scissors, scalpels & glue.
Lesson 1: Introduction
- Background, experience and philosophy of Mickey Freedom.
- Examples of work and ideas for commercialising the outcome.
- Ways of seeing through line & shape.
- Discuss the history of cut-out art, Henri Matisse and its significance/impact in art & graphic design etc. Give examples and develop links from previous point. Explain the basics of cut-out techniques and tools applied to this art form.
Lesson 2: Preparation & Application
- Activity to get acquainted with cutting and shaping techniques.
- Further demonstration of cutout techniques.
- Students create their own line and shape compositions.
- Prepare materials for future lessons & work, showing how to developing texture through the process.
Lesson 3: Advanced application
- Further preparation of materials.
- Take class on an observation walk with emphasis on Todi’s architecture & sights, observing Todi’s night life in free time e.g. when out for dinner or strolling.
- Teach students to look & observe in new ways. Paying attention to light, shadow, shape & colour, objects & people.
- Use of mobile phones or cameras to record sights & inspiration to use as reference when back in classroom.
- Return to classroom, discuss what was observed. Further unpack various images they observed & how to see perspective through Italian architecture & its streets - leading them in how to translate what they see, using such to develop & create a visual language within their intended work.
- Demonstrate, how to create perspective and depth through cutouts.
- Instruct and supervising students in the creation of their own cutout with perspective.
Lesson 4: Realism and Abstraction
- We discuss realism & abstraction in art and how it can be applied to cutouts, as well as the importance of negative & positive space in cutouts.
- Show examples of how negative space can create balance and contrast particularly in cutouts.
- Instructing students and demonstrating how to create two cutouts, one using realism & the other abstraction (same subject matter), inspired by Italian life & culture.
Lesson 5: Decision time - Creating a design
- Bringing it all together. Review of previous lessons & how these steps have lead to this point. What now?
- Planning and creation of final cutout/cutouts. Students now decide their next step, choosing to either create one large work or a series of smaller to medium size works? Will the work be abstract or realism?
- Discuss composition and how it can make a cutout more visually appealing.
- Show examples of different compositions and how they can affect the mood of a cutout.
- Students begin creating their own cutout, inspired by their time in Italy so far.
Lesson 6: Expanding your skills to interior & personal spaces
- Expand student understanding of how the skill of cutouts can be applied to other mediums, to both murals & interior design, where such can create a harmonious & visually appealing space.
- Discuss how a mural can be used to express individuality for a home or space, on how the
bespoke nature of a mural in interior design can be used to reflect personal style, interests. - (Explain how murals can add personality & uniqueness to a space, emphasising a mural’s ability to surprise & harmonise a space. Creating focal points, drawing attention to specific areas of a room, creating balance to such areas.)
- Mikey provides insights into the creation of a mural from his experience and shows pictures of his work.
- Further information about pitfalls and opportunities arising from mural commissions including
- mural surface; dimensions; materials
- commission terms; advance drawings; instalment payments
- safety, support workers, administration
- Students return to project and continue working.
Lesson 7: Developing your skills
- Students are now in full creative process.
- Teacher continues to assist students discussing the original plan and problem solving, or changing the plan as the work develops
Lesson 8: Developing your skills continued
- Students are now in full creative process.
- Teacher continues to assist students, providing one-on-one guidance and critique throughout the lesson.
- Allow time at the end of the day for students to present their projects to the class. Students to discuss the stage of work they are at, have there been challenges or successes, or both?
Lesson 9: Learning to finish
- Students continue in creative process.
- Teacher continues to assist students to problem solve and to achieve their goals.
Lesson 10: The completed work
- Students continue creating towards completion of their work.
- Continue to provide one-on-one guidance and critique throughout the day.
Final Critique
- Review all Student’s final projects together, providing constructive feedback and encouraging students to discuss their thought process and techniques used.
- Wrap up the course.
- Assist each student to mount their work for exhibition purposes.
- Assist students to pack up their work in a manner that will ensure they survive the travel home.