Accommodation in Todi is plentiful. But Todi is a hill town like so many others in Italy it rises to a flat top and has ancient walled fortifications surrounding it.
Most of the action takes place in and around the Piazza del Poppolo. While the piazza measures about 250 x 75 metres and is made up of banks, local government, cafes and restaurants the area surrounding is private homes and some accommodation and measures about 2000 x 1000 metres There is a big park at one end – Parco della Rocca. There are 3 major roads off the piazza and one road that leads to the park.
This area at the top falls away quite steeply so getting some accommodation at or near the top around the main piazza is something of a priority. Naturally the closer to that area the more expensive it will be, but as the studio is near the Piazza del Poppolo, being in that area is a great benefit and definitely worth it if you are unused to trekking up steep inclines. So, we have some accommodation suggestions for you. All the offerings below are within 50- 500m from the teaching studio.
Map of Todi showing location of restaurants, Conad Supermarket:
The two of the streets leading off the Piazza del Popplo and the piazza itself have many restaurants, and several more smaller piazzas or Streets each with their own atmosphere and identity determined by the prevailing activity – cafes, Postes, Gallerias in Piazza Garibaldi; Restaurants, Gellateria, Barberie and Immobilaire in Via Cavour; Todi Theatre, alimentarie (grocery), Hotel – Piazza Mazzini – all named after the major figures of Risorgemento (“rise again”), being the 19th century social and political movement culminating in the establishment of the kingdom of Italy in 1861.
The accommodation is usually of a high standard and often very Italian in its décor. This should not come as a surprise, we all love the things we are used to and the landlords of Todi go to some lengths to make visitors from Rome and northern Italy feel comfortable. Most of the tourism in Todi is domestic due to the number of events that are held in and around the town. The ‘Apartamento décor’ is just a small part of the welcoming atmosphere that is almost universally adopted in Italy.
We have found that offers a wide variety of accommodation in Todi. But reviews are not always as accurate as you might wish for. Consequently, we have provided a short list of 16 stays of different types. The list has been compiled from actual knowledge of the offering being made. Check Booking .com to check the prices for the period you want to stay in Todi.
Please note the listing is not a recommendation and no responsibility for the quality of the offering is taken either by us. We would however be most grateful to hear any comments about the offering either good or bad.
Below are the listings for Todi centre (with bedroom number) as follows:
Cute House in central Todi with sensational views of surrounding countryside (1)
Il Refugio dell’ Artista (1)
La Piazzetta del Borgo (1)
Casa Piazza Todi(1)
Appartamento Etruso(1)
Residenza D’Epoca San Lorenzo Tre (1)
Residenza Le Peonie (2)
Da Patou (1)
Torre Caetani- Night in a medieval tower (1)
Oberdan Ospitalita (1)
Residenza Le Ortensie (3)
Monastero SS. Annunziata (1)
Nice View (2)
Hotel and Multi – Room Guest Houses (walking 50-500m to art class studio)
Palazzi Degli Stemmi (see our update Accommodation Discount Offers for this property)
Lemon Tree Boutique Guest House (see our update Accommodation Discount Offers for this property)
Hotel Fonte Cesia
Below – example Typical Listing with additional air-con information
1 Comment
I am interested in hearing more and look forward to your follow up emails.
Lynne Power
Lane Cove